Recommended READING: The Worldwide Network of US Military Bases 

The Global Deployment of US Military Personnel

The Worldwide Network of US Military Bases: Global Deployment of US Military Personnel;  9/11 Suspects to be Tried by Military Panels;

The Worldwide control of humanity's economic, social and political activities is under the helm of US corporate and military power. Underlying this process are various schemes of direct and indirect military intervention. These US sponsored strategies ultmately consist in a process of global subordination.  

Where is the Threat?

The 2000 Global Report published in 1980 had outlined "the State of the World" by focussing on so-called  "level of threats" which might negatively influence or undermine US interests.

Twenty years later, US strategists, in an attempt to justify their military interventions in different parts of the World, have conceptualised the greatest fraud in US history, namely "the Global War on Terrorism" (GWOT). The latter, using a fabricated pretext  constitutes a global war against all those who oppose US hegemony. A modern form of slavery, instrumented through militarization and the "free market" has unfolded. 


Major elements of the conquest and world domination strategy by the US refer to: 

1) the control of the world economy and its financial markets,

2) the taking over of all natural resources (primary resources and nonrenewable sources of energy).
The latter constitute the cornerstone of US power through the activities of its multinational corporations.

More, HERE.

Also, America's Planned Nuclear Attack on Libya 

by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky and  The Never Ending Drug War: The Personalities, Politics and Espionage Intrigues that Shaped the DEA

A Review of Dougals Valentine's book
by Dr. John Jiggens

 © Copyright 2005-2009   

Why Mexico’s War on Drugs is Unwinnable by Laura Carlsen, director of the Americas Program of the Center for International Policy in Mexico City, 28/03/2011 

In Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, a student peace protester is gunned down by the Federal Police. Pictures of the intestines bursting from his ruptured gut make the rounds on the Internet, shocking even the world’s bloodiest city.

 In Matamoros, Tamaulipas, schools close down after officials receive bomb threats. Newspapers timidly report that the threats “could be related to” Gulf Cartel retaliation for the killing of one of their leaders, Tony Tormenta, in a military operation days earlier. President Obama calls President Calderon to congratulate him on taking down the drug lord. Mexican authorities predict a new wave of violence in the state, as the Zetas move in to wrest control from the weakened Gulf Cartel. 

Whether measured by increased public safety, reduced supply of illegal drugs on the U.S. market, or the dismantling of drug trafficking organizations, the war on drugs is failing. 

More, HERE

Copyright © Fluxxus Digital Limited 2010. All Rights Reserved


M E X I C O 

DEA chief says expanding reach of Mexican drug cartels is being felt around the world

Mexico's federal police announce arrest of another suspect in killing of US agent in February

US confirms 2 Americans killed while waiting in line leading to Tijuana border crossing

Chrysler canceling overtime at plants in Canada and Mexico to conserve parts from Japan

Mexico offers reward for reporting money laundering, promising share of loot for informants

2 men ID'd as Americans shot to death while waiting at Tijuana border crossing to enter US

9 killed in clashes between Mexican security forces and suspected drug cartel gunmen in Veracruz

Police deny any role in disappearance of 4 men in Mexican tough cop's border city 




Ecuador expels US ambassador in flap over after cable divulged by WikiLeaks

Obama, congressional leaders make no progress on budget

Government shutdown: Democrats and Republicans have so far failed to reach an agreement on the 2011 federal budget, increasing the likelihood of the first government shutdown in more than 15 years..

Much-watched perjury trial of ex-CIA agent seen as Castro's nemesis goes to closing arguments

With deadline near, spending accord is elusive

Battle over the U.S. budget: Congressional Republicans and Democrats have waged a long fight in trying to agree on a budget plan to slash federal spending and avert a government shutdown 

After weeks of negotiating over money, time is now the biggest concern. There is general agreement the sides must work out a deal by Tuesday night.

9/11 suspects to be tried by military panels

The hidden life of guns

An in-depth investigation into how guns move through American society, from store counter to crime scene. 

Top Secret America

The Post explores the top secret world the government created in response to the attacks of Sept. 11.  © 1996-2010 The Washington Post Company   



El asesinato de Francisco Sicilia moviliza a todo el país

Las principales movilizaciones será en Cuernavaca, donde residían las víctimas, y en el DF, donde se espera la presencia de Javier Sicilia

Estados Unidos acusa a México por desbandada de narcos

Detectan rutas que implican a Europa y África, y una mayor sofisticación de los traficantes; La administradora de la agencia antidrogas de EU, Michele Leonhart, dijo que a más de 100 países les preocupa la expansión de los cárteles mexicanos

©Derechos Reservados Periódico Excélsior, S.A. de C.V 


La desaparición: "delito recurrente en Nuevo León" 

Cinco muertos y una niña herida por tiroteo en NL 

Peña Nieto lamenta empobrecimiento de familias  

México: seguridad en frontera con EU es prioritaria 

Policía captura a otro implicado del caso Zapata 

Marisela Morales promete no politizar la PGR 

Dos estadounidenses son asesinados en Tijuana 

Hay preocupación mundial por cárteles mexicanos: DEA

© 2010 Cable News Network. Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
© 2006 Derechos Reservados Expansión, S.A. DE C.V. 



Washington Post 

Butterflies make partial comeback in Mexico

Gelatinas, a floral wonder and growing business

Diana Kennedy, fiery chronicler of Mexican food traditions    

Talk about Travel

Tips for solo travelers  

Things to remember when you're traveling alone 

Giving street harassers all the attention they want - and more   


If you have just arrived in Mexico, the first thing we would like to tell you is:
Welcome!, ¡Bienvenido!, 歓迎, Accueil, Willkommen!, Welkom!, Benvenuto, Boas-vindas, приветствовать.

In this website you will find helpful tips to make your stay more pleasant. 

The Mexico Quandary: Safety or Savings?

Mexico’s Freedom Trail 

From Frommer's 

Introduction to Mexico
The Best Cultural Experiences
The Best Beach Vacations
The Best Active Vacations
The Best Places to Get Away from It All
Getting There
Getting Around
Fast Facts
In One Week
In Two Weeks
See All 37 Destinations   


El Universal has no official political affilation and is the most read newspaper in Mexico

Movilizaciones en todo el país para exigir fin a la violencia

En al menos 26 ciudades habrá marchas para demandar el restablecimiento de la paz en México

En 7 años bajará violencia en el país: García Luna

El titular de la SSP federal calculó que en tres años podría salir el Ejército de las calles. El Lazca, El Z-40, El Chapo y El Mayo, los capos más peligrosos, dice

Quiero meter gol en 2012: Cordero

El secretario de Hacienda aseguró que el PAN tendrá un buen candidato presidencial que será capaz de refrendar los logros económicos de dos administraciones panistas 

Ven en nivel de violencia “éxito” antinarco

Los cárteles de las drogas están como animales enjaulados, dice Michele Leonhart, titular de la DEA; reitera que trabajará en coordinación con México 

Peña: Hay más pobres; Calderón critica regalo de tractores

El gobernador del Edomex dijo que millones se empobrecieron por el alza en granos; el Presidente aseguró que hay quien quisiera que se regalaran tractores (práctica que realizó Peña Nieto)


  © 2000 - 2010 Todos los derechos reservados. EL UNIVERSAL, Compañía Periodística Nacional. De no existir previa autorización, queda expresamente prohibida la publicación, retransmisión, edición y cualquier otro uso de los contenidos   



Proceso is a weekly magazine, renowned for its left-wing journalism

 La violencia demuestra que la guerra contra el narco tiene éxito: DEA  

Aclara Sicilia que propone legalización de drogas, no impunidad para criminales 

Amenaza Moreira con demandar penalmente a Calderón  

 Edición 1795, 2011-03-26 


Exige HRW investigar a Leyzaola por cuatro desapariciones en Juárez 

Al menos 250 salvadoreños fueron abusados en México durante 2010 

Sicilia y la infamia que gobierna

Javier Sicilia: Carta abierta a políticos y criminales
Incendian cuatro viviendas y ocho vehículos en Durango

Balacera durante un concierto de “Los Tucanes de Tijuana


Madrugada de terror en Acapulco
Acribillan a dos agentes de seguridad pública en Durango

Edición 1796, 2011-04-02
Indignación y hartazgo
Estamos hasta la madre... (Carta abierta a los políticos y a los criminales)  

Los cárteles crecen, la frustración también

J. Jesús Esquivel 

“Rápido y furioso”: Todos lo sabían 

El acuerdo, al gusto del presidente  

Arturo Rodríguez García Mas, AQUI 

 ...Y los medios se amordazan

José Gil Olmos

La república de Televisa

Miguel Angel Granados Chapa